Discover the benefits of Minerals and gain a deeper understanding of skincare ingredients with Lubriderm.

What are the most common minerals in skincare products?
Minerals are naturally found in healthy skin, so it’s no wonder that they continue to rise in popularity as a skincare ingredient. The most common types of minerals you’ll find in skincare products include magnesium, zinc, iron, and copper. Such topical minerals are an effective means of supporting healthy-looking skin.
Can Minerals cause irritation or allergies?
Minerals are generally safe for topical use, but if you have concerns about a potential reaction, always consult a healthcare professional.
Are Minerals suitable for all skin types?
Yes, minerals are effective regardless of your skin type. Different minerals in skincare products are used to address various skincare concerns.
How can I incorporate Minerals into my skincare routine?
Minerals are a popular ingredient in helping support healthy-looking skin. Keep an eye out for skincare products that list minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron or copper.